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2026 Out of Zone Enrolments.
The closing date for out of zone applications (Year 7&8) is Friday 12 September, 2025.
The closing date for out of zone applications (New Entrants/Year 1) is Friday 24 October, 2025.
Out of zone applications, will be notified mid-November of the outcome

In order to avoid the likelihood of overcrowding, the Board of Green Bay Primary School adopted an enrolment scheme which was approved by the Ministry of Education and took effect from Term 4, 2015.

Under this scheme, students who live within the home zone (in-zone) described below (and shown on the attached map) are entitled to enrol at the school.

Starting at the intersection of Takahe Road and Wood Bay Road travel northeast along Takahe Road, east along Avonleigh Road, north along Castleford Street, and west along Godley Road. At the intersection of Godley Road and Titirangi Road, travel north along the center of Titirangi Road (346 – 272 included) to the intersection with Golf Road. Travel east along the centre of Golf Road (even numbers only included) and south along the center of Portage Road (189 and above included) to the coastline. Follow the coastline southeast to the eastern boundary of Wood Bay Reserve. Follow the reserve boundary north then west to the intersection of Wood Bay Road (55, 80 and above included) and Takahe Road, back to the starting point

Proof of address for all in-zone enrolments is required. This can be any of the following;
• House purchase agreement
• Rental agreement
• Utilities Bill (rates, water or power)
Proof of address is to be current, dated within 6 months of enrolment and showing parent/caregiver name/s and in-zone address.

When enrolling your child for the first time in an NZ school, you will need to present your child’s birth certificate and immunisation certificate. (These certificates are not necessary for NZ children transferring from a school within NZ).

Please note that it is school policy that all New Entrants should have three class visits before starting school. With the exception of the first week of the school year, all students arriving unexpectedly to enrol will start the next day. This is to give teachers adequate time to organise the best start to your child’s school experience.

Please ring the school to make an appointment to meet with either the Deputy Principal, Associate Principal or the Principal and then enrol at the office. Be prepared to give us at least two emergency contact phone numbers in case of illness or accident.

Families from overseas will require passports and Visas showing entry criteria into New Zealand. Most students from overseas need to apply to the immigration department for a student’s study permit.

The order of priority in which applicants who live outside a school's home zone are to be offered places at the school, is as follows:

a. first priority must be given to any applicant who is accepted for enrolment in a special programme run by the school: (Not applicable to Green Bay School)

b. second priority must be given to any applicant who is the sibling of a current student of the school

c. third priority must be given to any student who is the sibling of a former student of the school

d. fourth priority must be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school

e. fifth priority must be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the board of the school or a child of a member of the board of the school

f. sixth priority must be given to all other applicants

For further information please call the school office on 09 817 6666 or email

Payment for 2nd Hand Uniform/Stationery Internet Banking Student's initial and surname, Room #, reason for payment.
ASB School account number:12 3070 0090711 00

GBS Enrolment Form - InZone.pdf

GBS Out of Zone Enrolment Form.pdf

Y4-8 Student Digital Technologies Responsible Use.pdf

Y0-3 Parent DigitalTechnologiesAgreement.pdf

GBS Parent Information Booklet 2024.pdf

Daily Schedule


Block 1


Block 2


Morning tea


Block 3


Block 4




Block 5



Gates open at 8.30am

What’s Next

Apr 11

End of Term

Apr 28

Teacher Only Day

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