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BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)


The New Zealand Curriculum vision states that they desire all New Zealanders to become “confident, connected, actively involved lifelong learners”. E-learning is an integral part of assisting in this vision.

Green Bay School is currently implementing BYOD (Bring Your Own Devices) in the senior school (Y4-8). BYOD is optional. Green Bay Primary School currently hosts BYOD for Chromebooks. Chromebooks are the device used at this school.

Each class has a collection of Chromebooks which the children are able to use and, with the addition of BYOD, has led to an increase in accessibility for all students to engage in a rich and full digital curriculum.

All school and student Chromebooks are managed on a safe network. The use of Google Suite and Hapara accounts provide a safe and seamless learning platform between school and home.

All students and their parents who decide to bring a Chromebook to use at school are expected to fill out and sign the Green Bay School BYOD Policy form prior to bringing the device to school.

Chrome Books for school parents PB Tech Code is - Green Bay 4384 for PE Tech and families that would like to purshase their chromebook.

BYOD for Green Bay Primary School

Chromebooks suitable for BYOD

BYOD Policy .pdf

Y0-3 Parent Digital Technologies Agreement.pdf

Y4-8 Student Digital Technologies Responsible Use.pdf


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Gates open at 8.30am

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