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Feedback Procedures

Concerns and Complaints Procedure

In accordance with school policy, any complaint or concern that a student, parent or caregiver has should be directed in the first instance to the student’s classroom teacher or the appropriate person concerned.

Failing resolution, the complaint or concern should be directed to the Whanau Leader. Unresolved problems can finally be referred to the Associate Principal and Deputy Principal /or the Principal. The Associate Principal and Deputy Principal /or Principal will consult with all parties concerned.
Any complaints directed to the Board of Trustees will be dealt with according to Board procedures.

We urge all parents/caregivers to develop a strong, positive relationship with their child’s classroom teacher. Problems or concerns are much more effectively sorted out by having a good partnership between home and school.

The following diagram outlines the steps involved in the concerns and complaints process. To ensure this policy is consistently applied and matters are dealt with by the appropriate party, this process must be followed sequentially. At each step if the complaint is not resolved, the matter can be elevated to the next step/tier of management in line with this policy. Matters that have not followed the concerns and complaints process, or have been elevated prematurely, will be referred back to the most appropriate party for consideration.

Diagram outlines the steps involved in the concerns and complaints process.



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