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Green Bay School Library Web App

Click on the link to take you to our Virtual Library. Here you can find links to the books and other fun activities. Green Bay's Virtual Library Link

Kia Ora, Hello, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Talofa lava, Ni hao, Konnichiwa, Namaste, Salaam, Beunos dias, Guten Tag, Bonjour, Zdravstvuite, and welcome to Green Bay School’s library.

Our school library is a very special place where we encourage a love of books, learning and reading for pleasure. Each class is timetabled to visit the library once a week, but children may change their books as often as they wish during the week.

All students in Years 1-6 are expected to use a library bag (available from the office) to help take care of our precious books while taking them to and from school. Years 7 & 8 students are not required to use a library bag but can if they wish.

The school library is open every day between 8:30am and 3:30pm. Activities at lunchtime include ‘Creative Construction’ (lego, duplo etc) craft activities, puzzles and games. Each student has a unique library number which they can use to access the library catalogue in either the library, classroom or from home. This gives student's access to their own dashboard where they can search the library catalogue, reserve books, review books and to check their current and past loans.

Once a year we run Scholastic Book Fairs. This is a fundraiser for the library as well as being an enjoyable family event and an opportunity to share our love of books and reading. We have a ‘Book Week’, a whole week of fun and reading throughout the entire school. A Book Parade, Grandparents morning and special activities in the classes mean this is a very special week in our school calendar.

Looking forward to seeing you in our library!


Sharon on

The New Zealand Book Council Te Kaunihera Pukapuka o Aotearoa is the leading Aotearoa organisation connecting writers with young readers in schools, from the inner city to remote rural classrooms.

We are dedicated to inspiring a love of reading because we know the difference this makes to young lives: OECD research shows reading for pleasure is the single most important indicator of a child’s future success.


Contact Sharon


Daily Schedule


Block 1


Block 2


Morning tea


Block 3


Block 4




Block 5



Gates open at 8.30am

What’s Next

Apr 11

End of Term

Apr 28

Teacher Only Day

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