Green Bay School logo Green Bay School

Parent Information

Parent Information Handbook 2025 GBS Parent Information Booklet 2025.pdf

Give Sports a go! Give Sports A Go!.pdf

Netsafe and staying safe on-line (TikTok) for Parents and Caregivers.
TikTok staying safe online.pdf

Scholastic Book Club Book club provides families with an affordable and convenient way to bring the best in children’s literature into their homes. All orders are to be placed online. [Book Club Website (

End of Term
On the last day of every term, school finishes at 2:00pm. Please ensure your child is collected on time.

Second hand uniform is available, please contact

Policies and Procedures
School Docs link Username:greenbay Password: greenbay

Safety Before and After School
School starts at 8:50am and finishes at 2:55pm. The school does not accept responsibilty for students arriving at school before 8:30am. Students attendance before this is at parents own risk. The school gates open at 8:30am and 2:50pm A before school service is being operated in the hall more information is under our enrolments and zoning page.

All students must be collected from school by 3.10pm. All students who are waiting for parents or siblings to collect them must wait in front of the school office.

When picking up/dropping off students, all drivers must stop on the roadside and adhere to the 5 minute Auckland Transport signs.
The school car parks are for staff parking only, do not use the school car park to drop off/pick up.

Cellphones are only permitted if they are handed in at the school office for the day, (N.B. all care and no responsibility!). If a student does not hand their cellphone in, it will be confiscated and will only be handed back to a parent. This policy may change if it becomes problematic. With changes in technology, i-watches are best left at home.

Bicycles & Skateboards
The Traffic Department does not recommend that children under 9 years of age ride on the roads. Therefore, only Year 5, 6, 7 and 8 students may ride bicycles, skateboards or scooters to school unsupervised. The Board of Trustees policy is that students who ride their bike to school must wear a safety helmet. In the interests of safety; bicycles, skateboards and scooters may not be ridden within school grounds before school, during school hours, or after school before 3:15pm, (other than on our official charity fundraising ‘Wheels Day’). Students who ride a scooter or skateboard to school must store these items in the bike bay outside the library. The school takes no responsibility for loss or damage of these items.

Lost Property
This is collected and stored in the library hallway. Please name all uniform and footwear to assist us in finding the owner. Lost property is displayed at the end of every term; the last two days on the senior courts. Parents are invited to view lost property. Unclaimed lost property is recycled responsibly.

The school must be informed if a student has any medical condition, (e.g. allergies, asthma), or requires medication during the school day. All medication must be kept in the school sick bay. We will require authorisation in writing to dispense medication. Please contact the office regarding this.

Outdoor Education Our school runs a dynamic Outdoor Education programme. Events include the Year 7/8 camp and their programme of electives, including exciting activities such as abseiling, high ropes, rock climbing, skiing etc. The Year 5/6 team runs an adventure camp and EOTC experience week. The middle syndicate provides a variety of educational outdoor learning opportunities, including short camp experiences and other challenging, fun activities around the local and wider region. Juniors are involved in a variety of outdoor activities at school or at local park

General Students are not allowed to bring chewing gum/bubble gum or fizzy drinks to school. These items will be confiscated if found. There are certain parts of the school where students are not allowed, including being inside a classroom unsupervised at break times and lunchtimes, students are also to stay out of the Rongoa Gardens which are at the back of the school field. These areas are out of bounds and will be pointed out to students on a regular basis


Daily Schedule


Block 1


Block 2


Morning tea


Block 3


Block 4




Block 5



Gates open at 8.30am

What’s Next

Apr 11

End of Term

Apr 28

Teacher Only Day

View school calendar


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